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The school in this village is a shack made of scraps of wood.  No furniture except for a blackboard and benches the students write on while sitting on a dirt floor.  More on the story on our CAMPAIGNS page.


BENJAMIN EDITED   Benjamin Kibulo

Benjamin sends hugs and thanks to all that responded to our appeal for his prosthetic.



Twenty goats were distributed to pregnant women and mothers of infant children.  Our project aims to  support our partner Tanzania charity , Community Service Mission , in its fight against malnutrition .   Two male goats were given to the community and the agreement requires the women to give one of the newborn goats to another woman on the waiting list.   The women will eventually have several goats and enough milk to sell.



cuyes barn 2 P1050813

Built for a children’s hospice in the village of Coyabamba.  Visit our Peru page for more photo and information.



Thank you from Uganda!

 Thanks to your generosity Benjamin will get the prosthetic he needs and Dalaus has had his hand partially saved.  Benjamin lost most of his left leg in an accident while Dalaus’ hand was damaged when he picked up a toy that turned out to be a bomb.

IMGDalaus progress 7 BENJAMIN EDITED




Children in Panajachel, Guatemala




We have added micro-loans to our projects after a very positive experience in Peru when  we funded a food cart for a grandmother supporting her 5 grandchildren.   The recipients of these loans will be women who have shown an enterprising spirit and worked indefatigably to pull their family out of intense poverty.  The loans are given to help them move onward to a higher level of income.  Along with the loan, the recipients will formulate. She will create a business plan with  an assigned professional business advisor and receive nine monthly follow-ups visits from her advisor to supervise how her micro-loan is invested and to increase her profits each month.  She will repay the loan in 9 months.

Visit our Peru page for the story of our first recipients.

August 2017

Wichita East High students led by teacher David Shelly participated in our mission to Guatemala.  Visit our Guatemala page for more details.


June 2017

Mission to Guatemala! A memorable experience for all participants.  Details on our Guatemala page.

April 2017

Thank you Kim Rex for leading another wonderful mission to Peru’s HighAndes.  Details and photos are posted on our Peru page


February 2017

Thank you to all those who joined our Guatemala trip and spent one week making a positive difference in the lives of so many!  Visit our Guatemala page for a full report by mission participant Karen Carrollan.

September 2016



Guatemala itinerary:

Day one – arrival in Guatemala and transfer to Antigua. Free afternoon

Day two – Antigua. We will paint a house and deliver aid to a learning center and an old age home.

Day three – On the way to Panajachel we will spend a few hours  in a village where we will deliver goats and build stoves.

Day four – Panajachel – We will attend a ceremony and deliver sewing machines to the graduates of a sewing program.   Afternoon visit to Eagle Nest orphanage.

Day five – We go to the craft market in Chichicastenango and return to Antigua with a short stop to visit the Mayan ruins of Ixminche.

Day six – Return to the USA or stay and enjoy more of Guatemala.

Peru itinerary:

Day one – Arrive in Lima and transfer to Cuzco 

Day two – Prepare for trip in the high Andes – Welcome dinner

Day three and four – departure for Chacabamba.  We will spend one night and two days there.   Our activities will include delivering school supplies, blankets and other aid.  We will also join the villagers in harvesting or whatever activities they are performing at the time of our visit.

Day five: Return to the USA or join those going on the Machu Pichu trip. 

Contact us for more details at Travel@Global

December 2015

Happy Holidays

mireille with children

Thank you for your support
and looking forward to all that
we shall accomplish together in 2016

June 2015


Angelito is about to receive a prosthetic half leg thanks to your generosity.   He is already learning to walk with the temporary one Transitions of Guatemala equipped him with.  Thank you to all who helped make it possible for this little boy to run on his third birthday.  See more about Angelito on our Guatemala page.

GLP Christmas card-2 3



It is with these images and a special thanks to those who responded to our appeal for a half leg prosthetic for Miriam that we want to end the year and wish you happy holidays.  Thanks to you, it was a joy to watch how  fast she learned  to walk without crutches 

Our focus on malnutrition in children now includes  the construction of greenhouses for schools in Andean hamlets of Peru where cultivation is otherwise impossible due to climate, soil quality and altitude.   We are also now  adding construction of barns for breeding guinea pigs that would further enrich the children’s diet.  In Guatemala, goats  providing three glasses of milk a day have been  given to families with young children; the contract requiring them to give the first female born to another family.

We also want to thank all those who participated in our 2014 missions, delivered school and hygiene  kits to hundreds of children, medical supplies where needed, built stoves, painted houses and schools, planted, harvested, thatched roofs and even found time for  dancing  and soccer games.  

 Happy holiday season and a wonderful 2015 from all of us at GLP.


APRIL  2014

Africa GLp-2

Our GLP team has just returned from our first mission to Kenya and Tanzania. The trip included volunteer activities but also a safari as well as a stupendous climb up Mt. Kilimanjaro. We hope to have a team join us next year for the fun as well as to re-visit and work at the two projects we adopted. Besides painting a school in Pangani, Kenya where they delivered school supplies, our group also transported several thousand dollars in medical supplies donated by our mission partner, Medical Bridges to the FAME project in Karatu, Tanzania. For the story, please visit our Medical Bridges page. Our campaign this spring aims to raise $3,000 to help provide Prosthetics for an 8-year-old boy in Guatemala. His story is on our campaign page. Please help us reach this goal ! Wishing you a great spring season



Surgery in makeshift operating room in Dolores, Republic of the Philippines

Surgery in makeshift operating room in Dolores, Republic of the Philippines

2013 started with our January ophthalmology mission to Dolores, in the Republic of the Philippines, the same town where a few years ago we built a kindergarten in Barangay Malobago.  The mission, funded by Quotient of Columbia, Maryland,  resulted in 97 people operated for cataract and other eye problems.  Unfortunately, many patients who signed up could not be treated and await our return.   With your support, we hope to raise the $5,000 needed to fund another such mission.   For more information and a link for donations supporting this future project please visit our Rep. of the Philippines page.  Our second mission to Cambodia unfolded in February with ten participants who delivered $10,000 in medical supplies donated by our mission partner, Medical Bridges.  You will find details on that shipment on our Medical Bridges page.   Before embarking on a journey to visit magnificent Angkor Wat,  our team spent three days visiting and delivering aid to four worthwhile charities and to children living in the city’s new garbage dump.    In addition to the many needed items they delivered, our volunteers offered  $500.00 to each of the visited  charities. Visit our Cambodia page for more details.  Because most of the participants were Southwest Airlines employees their  work resulted in the airline matching the number of hours volunteered by their employees with six round trip tickets donated to GLP for fundraising purposes.  Thank you Southwest Airlines! Raffle proceeds from the Southwest tickets and all of your donations provided us with funds for the construction of a greenhouse providing nutritious meals for school children in the High Andes,  for dry latrines, stoves, goats, school supplies for 565 chidden, scholarships for 10 children, a leg prosthetic for little Heidi (thank you Marie and Marcel Fournier) and support for an educational program for Shan children in a Thai refugee camp. Thank you everyone! With spring came our annual visit to Chacabamba and Quisicancha in the Peruvian High Andes where 300 children were awaiting the hygiene kits and school supplies we bring at the start of each school year.   Our volunteers were also promptly put to work thatching roofs and helping with the harvest.  A group of 16 students from the U32 School in Montpelier, Vermont,  delivered goats and built stoves in a highland village of Guatemala.  Thank you to all those of contributed to our successful campaign for the goat project and a special bravo  to the fifth graders at the West Yellowstone school who raised funds for 7 of the 27 goats we aimed for.  The families that received them have since then given the first new born female to another family and every family in Saquiya now has at least one goat providing the children with four glasses of milk each day. We need your support to continue to expand this project next year. Goats are an effective tool in the fight of malnutrition affecting  80% of the children in rural communities of Guatemala. The entire volunteer team at GLP joins me in wishing you a very happy holiday season and thanks you for the support that made so much possible. Mireille Founder

********** December 21, 2012 Message

Dear Friends, As the year ends, the all-volunteer team at Global Legacy Programs thank you for your support that made our 2012 success possible.   We would like to express our gratitude to all of the donors and volunteers who joined our humanitarian trips this year – often putting up with long drives, uncomfortable lodging and altitude sickness to reach remote villages in the Andes to offer aid and solidarity to those welcoming and awaiting us. We are excited about our 2013 plans that begin with an ophthalmic mission to Dolores (Republic of the Philippines), where approximately 80 persons are scheduled for cataract surgery.  In addition, a group of GLP volunteers join our February mission for a return to Cambodia where we visit several charitable foundations to deliver medical supplies donated by our mission partner – Medical Bridges. Spring will take us back to Peru where 300 children in the high Andes await our arrival with school and hygiene kits while in the highlands on Guatemala, a group of students from Vermont will be building high efficiency stoves, delivering sewing machines as well as the goats purchased with funds raised by the fifth graders at West Yellowstone school.  In rural areas of Guatemala, 60% of the children are chronically malnourished and Global Legacy Programs is looking forward to working with our partner, Associacion BPD to address this problem.   We are adopting the rural community of Saquiya and plan to wipe out malnutrition through a sustainable, well-rounded project that will secure sanitation; reduce indoor air pollution; encourage varied food production; and, introduce goat-raising in an effort to strengthen child nutrition through an additional source of protein.  We hope you will help us to achieve this goal.  Please visit our Guatemala pages to learn more about this major project Wishing you a joyful Holiday Season, Mireille Hanna Founder **********

July 4, 2012

A very happy and grateful Nazario!

Dear Friends of Global Legacy Programs,
We hope you will enjoy reading and seeing the images of all that was  recently done thanks to your continued support.   One by one, these modest projects amount to a legacy of goodwill that is only made possible by your donations and participation in our humanitarian voyages.I am happy to report that work on Nazario’s arms have been completed.  We followed  the long process that ended with this last image of a very happy and grateful Nazario.  Thank you to Marcel and Marie Fournier Sarah and Howard Solomon, Anita Weissberg and  all those who so generously donated to the campaign that funded the prosthetics this valiant Guatemalan youth needed to lead a normal life.

Little Heydi

Many other children, like Nazario,  await prosthetics  and mobility aids.   Such is the case of Heydi Lopez  Alonzo.  Heydi was born with a deformed leg.  At the hospital in Guatemala City they decided to amputate her leg. Her mother left Heidy with her grandmother and disappeared.  Heydi is  happy to know that she may receive a prosthesis that will allow her to to walk without crutches. Heidy wishes to be like the other children.  Prosthetic Pediatric leg at the knee  $1,700. Click here to help make Heydi’s wish come true.
The July report includes updates to the Cambodia, Guatemala, Peru, and Republic of the Philippines pages.
Mireille Hanna Founder Global Legacy Programs

********** March 10, 2012 Message:

Mireille with Nazario and the Director of Transitions of Guatemala

 Dear Friends and Supporters,

A special guest dropped in at our home in Antigua, Guatemala yesterday. Nazario and the Director of Transitions of Guatemala came to celebrate your very generous response to last month’s campaign to provide this very special youth with prosthetics. However, we still need to raise another $2,000 to reach the necessary $6,000 goal. Click here to give hope and a better life to this young man by donating to this campaign.

We also had a special celebration for Maria and her mother who , thanks to the fifth graders at West Yellowstone School, now have a proper little house, built by Construcasa, on the site of the former shack with dirt floor and scrap material they lived in. Under Ms Whitesides’ supervision (their teacher), the students raised half the needed $2,000 by selling Guatemalan handcrafts we provided. Senior students will be traveling to Guatemala this summer on a GLP mission. Among other activities, they will stucco and paint Maria’s house.  If you are a teacher interested in promoting a similar project at your school, please contact us.

Mireille Hanna Founder Global Legacy Programs

Maria and her Mom

Their new home

********** January 15, 2012 Message:

Dear Friends, Your generous donations in 2011 allowed us to reach year-end goals ranging from shipping a 20 foot container holding over $100,000 in medical supplies to Siayan in the Republic of the Philippines to providing mosquito nets for 50 children’s beds at an orphanage in Cambodia. We are starting 2012 with one priority goal we hope you will support: providing prosthetics for Nazario, a youth of nineteen whose arms were severed, twelve years ago, by a corn-grinding machine. Six thousand dollars are needed to replace the prosthetics he has long outgrown. Your support is essential to help GLP realize this goal. You can help by making a single donation or pledging a monthly one of as little as $5.00 or even less. No amount is too small. Click here to donate and learn more about this very special young man. We are planning humanitarian trips to visit the projects we support. Our mission participants will do finishing work on houses we built in Guatemala, construct high efficiency stoves, distribute school supplies in the High Andes, deliver more wheelchairs and medical supplies in Bolivia and Mexico. Our next visit to Cambodia is set for this summer. Please contact us if you are interested in joining one of these trips and getting further involved. I join the all-volunteer GLP team in wishing you a happy 2012! Mireille Hanna Founder Global Legacy Programs ********** July 24, 2011 Message:

Dear Friends,

This newsletter offers you some images and stories of our most recent activities in Guatemala, Bolivia, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, and the Republic of the Philippines.    We owe what was accomplished to your donations and the generous contributions made by those who joined us to visit the projects we support.  In January 2011, volunteer Janet Dexter led our first humanitarian voyage to Cambodia and over a hundred GLP supporters joined our first four visits to Chacabamba in the Peruvian High Andes.  It is always with joy that we take a group, or even a single committed donor, to meet with the communities and families benefiting from their support.    Groups of graduate high school students visit our projects in Guatemala and Peru each summer.   Those trips are a mixture of work and fun, putting into a teenager’s perspective not only the poverty but also the culture and beauty of the countries and communities hosting them.   Our students return home with a fuller awareness of our shared humanity with people from vastly different cultures and fortunes.  They also make an empowering discovery:  It is possible for them to make a difference.  For many, the visit marks only the start of a long term commitment and a transformation I witness through their letters and continuing fundraising efforts. To view our newsletters, click on the links on this site or for an overview click here.

Regardless of age, these are voyages that mark the heart and mind of each participant.  Join us!

Mireille Hanna Founder Global Legacy Programs